Individual Questions for Panellists from the moderator (6 mins) x 3 Panellists = 18 mins
- Please introduce yourself and What is it that you currently do? (2 mins)
- How did you get started in Tech? (4 mins)
General Questions for Panellists from the moderator
Both of your companies mainly operate in the US. What has your experience been like working remotely and how has this changed since the onset of Covid-19?
Assuming that you have a remote work setup, how have you managed teams remotely?
Are there any tools, frameworks or skills that you think professionals should have knowledge of or be proficient in if they are considering remote work?
Considering that more companies are shifting to remote work, what opportunities do you see for nearshoring now and do you think that opportunities are on a steady increase?
What are the major factors that companies should consider if they are looking to hire using a nearshoring approach?
What are some of the benefits and pitfalls of the nearshoring approach, especially in the remote work arena and do you have any advice on how to overcome them?
What opportunities do you think are being overlooked for nearshoring to play a larger part in Caribbean development.
Are there any technical skills that you recommend for professionals to have?
What is the interview process like for remote professionals?
How can professionals position themselves to become a candidate for a position through nearshoring?
What have been your takeaways from 2020? How do you think remote work can be improved going forward, particularly for digital professionals?
Do you have any advice to give to new or experienced professionals regarding remote work or getting hired by a nearshoring company?
Closing Slides (10 mins)
- What’s next for Careers in Tech?
- Upcoming JaD events