Category | Topics |
GeneralThis is the place for open-ended conversations that don’t fit into other categories. Whether you want to share ideas, discuss trends, or just chat with the community, this is your space!
Projects and IdeasProjects and Ideas category. To post here, use the Request Access button on the group page with a link to your plugin or idea.
Local CommunitiesBack in 2014, before popular tech communities were founded, developers mostly hung out in hackathons, boot-camps, and if you were a newbie, your best shot to being in a community was joining a computer society at one of the major universities, which worked quite well back then, until the internet made everything a lot easier and fun.
Virtual BootcampGeneral discussion about Jamaican Developers Virtual Classroom, its organization, how it works, and how we can improve it.
Job Board & NetworkingFeeling that it’s time for a change in your career path? Check out our job listing and find your new challenge
EventLooking for tech events, conferences and meetups in Jamaica? Whether you’re a local, new in town, or just passing through, you’ll be sure to find something on our events page. With the aim of bringing our readers an extensive curated list of tech events in this Information Age, we will continue updating this as new events come onto our radar.
Help & SupportNeed assistance? This is the place to ask questions, troubleshoot issues, and get help from the community and support team.
Product Discussions & ReviewsDiscuss, compare, and review products, tools, and services with the community. Whether you’re looking for recommendations or sharing your experience, this is the place to explore what works best.